Friday, 15 October 2010

Story board

the boy will walk in to the shot and walk of with the girl - Panning and medium shot.

The judge in a medium shot, will take wig and cape of to revile a new girl.

Goes into a make belive court room - Both girls looking into each other faces singing the lyrics (the argument) to each other.

Girl 1 - walkes out wearing one set of clothing, goes back in to the other room and out again with a diffrent set of clothing. Therefore we will make it look like there is no cuts, by keep the camera in same place very steady.

Girl 2 - putting make up on in mirror, using over the shoulder
Singing to some of the lyrics

Close up of a sale sign / Sold -> close up of handing house keys to the girl -> Long/Medium shot of her reaction and running into house.
They fades back into the green screen for the chourus.

Trnasition back to reality of the 2nd girl singing - close up -> fade back to vision

Long shot -> of the 2nd girl and the guy psushing a baby in a pram - > medium shot to them together smiling.

Day Dream 2 - Girl 2 (Kathryn)
Close up of the girl singing to the lyrics. Then a transition to her day dream

Back to the dar dream -> The boy gives car keys to the girl, wth a close up shot of handing them over. Medium shot of girls reaction.
Then fade transition out of day dream, to a shot of girls singing infront of day dream.

Day Dream 1 - Girl 1 (Alex)
It will go into a vision of the first girl getting married with the boy -> long shot to medium shot -> Transition back to reality of close up of the girl singing

Green Screen - Split Screen - Two girls singing the chourus of the song

Photos dropping to the floor to the time of the beat - Girl 1
Medium shot of Girl 2 holding love note, and cuts to over the shoulder shot of the love note

Long shot of 1st girl (Alex) walking into bedroom, following a close up of her face
Then a Long shot of 2nd girl (Kathryn) walking into diffrent bedroom, then followed by a close up of her face.

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