Friday 8 October 2010

Costume Research

Our video consists of 3 characters, one male and two females.
Eugene plays a boy torn between two girls, were he has to choose who's company he enjoys the most, he plays the role of a normal good looking teenager, his costume designing would match the one of a clean, good colour co-ordinated teenager.

This is an idea of what we intend to make eugene's character look like, well bright in colour.

For alex's character we thought to design a more of a self independent,
pretty girl but kind of shy.
Her costume

designing matches one similar to beyonce's swagger. High heels, tight jeans, nice curves, n
icely done hair.

This image is an idea that explores the modern style of both the female characters, in the past future and present

events in the video, this dress sense would show that the video is at a present moment

This image shows the costume which alexandra images her future wearing getting married to

eugene, in the video we hope to use future and modern dressing sense.

In the video Kathryn imagines her future with eugene were they have a baby, we thought to use a pram as a prop to

connote that idea of having a child, having a human baby or doll would have made the production a lillte more
complicated due to having to buy a doll baby or find a mom that would let us use her small child for
filming purposes,
so we thought taking a short of Kathryn pushing a pram would connote and portray the idea clear

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